Grant Guidelines
The Harper Court Arts Council (HCAC) supports organizations serving the Hyde Park and Kenwood communities.
Grants are made in two focus areas: Arts and Culture, and Economic Development. Grants may be for general operations or special projects. Generally, grant amounts range between $5,000 and $15,000.
Eligible organizations must meet the following criteria:
• A current 501(c)(3) public charity determination letter from the IRS
• A three year operating history as a 501(c)(3) subsequent to incorporation
• A current audited financial report or 990 Return
Priority is given to organizations:
• Physically located within the geographic boundaries of Hyde Park and Kenwood; organizations not located in Hyde Park-Kenwood must show a minimum of a three year history of programs or services in the community prior to their request
• A minimum of one paid part-time or full time staff member
• Provide educational and cultural programming and services to children, including programming in partnership with Hyde Park-Kenwood area schools*
• Stimulate economic development by promoting local businesses, job opportunities, or community organizations and events
• Promote the cultural and economic diversity of Hyde Park-Kenwood
• Promote cultural arts originating in the Chicago area, and preferably in Hyde Park-Kenwood.
HPAC will not consider requests for:
• Activities attempting to influence legislation or to support candidates for public office
• Purchase of dinner or raffle tickets or advertising in dinner programs
• Research or survey projects
• Programs where HCAC is the sole or majority donor of support
• Subsidies to discount the cost of tickets to performances or admissions to programs
• Traveling exhibitions or performances not originating in the City of Chicago
* Regarding Requests from Hyde Park-Kenwood Area Schools:
All school partners must hold 501(c)(3) certification either directly as an organization, through Parents’ or Sustaining boards, or a parent not-for-profit corporation (CPS). Schools deemed to be within the Hyde Park-Kenwood geographic boundaries: Chicago Public Schools - Kenwood Academy, Bret Harte, Kozminski, Murray, Price, Ray, Reavis, Robinson, Shoesmith; Private Schools - Ancona, St. Thomas, Akiba-Schechter, and University of Chicago Laboratory Schools.